

欢迎来到C-N学生活动!  We encourage you to plug into campus life during your time with us for a more fulfilling and complete Carson-Newman experience. It won’t be hard to find your tribe and work together toward a purpose you care about here at Carson-Newman. 有很多方法可以让你参与进来, 我们知道,您的投资不仅会对您当前的C-N社区产生更好的影响, 但会让你发展技能, networks, and relationships that will be with you throughout your college experience and long past graduation. 

学生活动部门致力于为学生创造创新的机会,让他们参与到卡森-纽曼的体验中, 投资于他们社区的社会文化结构, 精神上的成长, 智力, culturally, and socially through intentional development of their God-given talents and purpose to reach their full potential.

从戏剧到商业领导再到宗教信仰, C-N提供超过40个学生组织供您选择. 与业内专业人士建立联系, 当地社区的部长, 或者只是在你感兴趣的活动中享受乐趣和放松. 如果你找不到一个你感兴趣的俱乐部,没问题——开一家吧! We highly encourage and support students taking initiative to create the best experience for you.  无论你选择什么样的公司, 每个小组都为学生提供了建立关系的空间, make memories, 并获得他们将在余生中享受和借鉴的经验! 

从你踏入校园的那一天起, 你将有机会参加自己选择的社团. 所以不管你关注的是数学还是室内设计, 你会发现一个热情的社区,渴望你加入他们的事业.




学生自治协会(SGA)代表了这些利益, concerns, and ideas of the Carson-Newman student body and assists in determining the policies and culture that shape their university experience. 作为一名C-N的学生,你的声音很重要. 在Instagram上与SGA联系


我们让乐趣发生! Carson-Newman is an active campus community with a wide variety of activities and events scheduled throughout the year. 老鹰制作公司, known as EPC, 促进归属感, fun, connection, 并通过校园活动如“草坪上的电影”来发展, Spirit Week, 学院街庆典, and more! 在Instagram上与EPC联系 @cnepc


透过爱、敬拜、团体和服事经历神! 浸信会大学事工(BCM)透过敬拜建立基督徒社群, discipleship, 团契及服务. 他们每周聚会做礼拜, 通过每周的小组活动,投资于社区和门徒训练, 为学生组织宣教旅行和服务活动! 在Instagram上和BCM联系 @cnbcm


迎合过去、现在和未来的学生, SAA participates in events with alumni and donors to serve and represent current students with respect and dignity. 在Instagram上与SAA联系 @cn_saa


The purpose of this organization shall be to recognize academic achievements in first-generation college students, 培养学术热情, 提升领导力, and to provide support networks for first-generation students within and across college chapters.


A theatre honor society to acknowledge those demonstrating a high standard of accomplishment in theatre and, 通过Alpha Psi Omega在高校的扩张, 为对戏剧感兴趣的人提供奖学金. 该协会并不打算取代任何正规的戏剧俱乐部或制作团体, 但是随着学生资格的提高, 他们可以被选为这个协会的会员作为奖励.


C-NAFCS is a professional organization dedicated to bringing people together to improve the lives of individuals, 家庭和社区. C-NAFCS为FCS学生提供了社交和智力成长的机会,同时通过专业发展和网络机会对未来的职业充满抱负.

浸信会大学事工(BCM)透过敬拜建立基督徒社群, discipleship, 团契及服务.


Tri Beta促进了对生物科学学术成就和研究的兴趣,并在生命科学学生中传播信息和新的解释.

也被称为卡利欧派社团, Chi Lambda Sigma有助于个人思想的完善, 身体和精神通过节目, 服务项目和社会情况.

通过认可咨询奖学金,促进咨询专业的卓越发展, research, 领导与实践.

大学共和党人在C-N推广共和党的原则, 协助各级政府共和党候选人的选举, 协助共和党在当地的运作, 州级和国家级, 培养共和党学生的政治技巧和领导能力,为将来为党和社区服务做准备.

达美美龙通过音乐为我们的部门和社区促进友谊和服务, 以及对不断增长的音乐社区的认识和对音乐的热爱.

“我们让乐趣发生!考虑到他们的同学, EPC安排了包括音乐会在内的各种节目, 每年的校园活动和其他重大活动. It is C-N’s student programming board and effectively functions as the primary programming arm for the Office of 学生活动. 由学生领导和管理, EPC提供了许多参与的方式, 也为同学们提供了许多令人兴奋的活动.

FCA shares the gospel to the campus of Carson-Newman using the influence of coaches and athletes. We also strive to encourage discipleship and create an encouraging and supporting community for believers.

The purpose of the 第一代社区 is to create a sense of belonging for first-generation students, 提供有用的资源来弥补经验差距, 在第一代学生中建立联系.

Gamma Beta Phi协会是一个全国性的荣誉和服务协会. 我们的口号是服务、学识和品格. We aim to broaden our members’ academic and philanthropic lives so that they may graduate ready to make a difference in the world.

伽玛射线艺术协会的宗旨是提供一种乐趣, inclusive, 所有学生不分专业的社交团体. 不需要艺术才能.


以厨房和浴室为重点,进一步丰富教育, 住宅及商业设计, 通过与该领域的专业人士建立联系, 通过与设计相关的项目为社区服务,并鼓励小组参与和合作,使学生具备团队建设技能.


Kappa Epsilon Mu专注于社区外展,重点是物理科学.

Kappa Omicron Nu is a national honor society dedicated to recognizing and encouraging excellence in scholarship, research, 以及在家庭和消费者科学领域的领导地位. 使命是授权领导者. Kappa Beta Xi Chapter shall promote scholarship and encourage intellectual development; promote research and foster the spirit of inquiry; confer distinction for high achievement; promote leadership development; stimulate student and faculty dialogue; enrich the intellectual environment of higher education institutions; encourage high standards of practice and ethical behavior; and promote attitudes of professional responsibility for the public good.

Mortar Board recognizes college seniors for their exemplary scholarship, leadership and service.

moss Creek Maniacs支持C-N体育运动,并在学生之间建立社区.

α Theta promotes the learning of history to provide students a safe place to discuss events occurring in our society.

这个俱乐部的目的是授权和支持当前的西班牙裔学生拥抱他们的根,希望增加西班牙裔学生在卡森-内曼的数量. This club will seek to promote diversity and cultural awareness opportunities to the student body and staff of Carson Newman.

改革宗大学团契(RUF)是一个校园事工,向不同背景的大学生传讲耶稣基督的盼望. 大学是一个探索信念、做出决定、改变生活的时代. 我们邀请学生进入真实的关系和神的话语的研究. 通过联合革命阵线部, 学生发现基督的爱, 在神的救赎故事中找到他们的重要性, 并参与他的教会生活.

休闲创意会 uses creativity as a stress-reliever through artistic projects like knitting, painting, 写歌等等. 不需要天赋!

Designed for Spanish speakers and students to congregate and learn more about the Hispanic community, members participate and host cultural enrichment events such as historical holidays that advance understanding of surrounding cultures, 以及通过参与服务项目参与西班牙裔社区的发展.

Members take part in professional activities and service to the community to promote growth of future nutrition professionals.

迎合过去、现在和未来的学生. We are a part of campus events for the currents students of C-N and participate in certain events with alumni and donors. 我们的工作是作为校园领袖,以极大的尊重和尊严代表C-N.

SAAC is a service and fundraising organization made up of appointed representatives from each C-N athletic team. SAAC参与了Be The Match等服务活动,并为救灾筹款,以及全年为Make-A-Wish筹集资金.

学生商业领袖协助专业, 为对商业感兴趣的大学生提供教育和社会发展,并为对商业领域积极感兴趣的大学生提供协会,鼓励企业高管之间的互动, 商学院的老师和学生们.

该俱乐部的目的是为牙科预科学生提供必要的信息,以成功地走向牙科学校,同时培养社区服务意识和领导能力. Members will share experiences and knowledge among others to further the common goal of admission to dental school.


学生护理协会帮助整个人的发展, 他/她在各行各业人民保健方面的专业作用和责任, 建立学生和教师之间的凝聚力,并提供合作, 沟通与组织.

为未来的TN教师提供专业发展的机会, 田纳西州学生教育协会 builds a sense of community among education licensure students.

The primary mission of 美国学生退伍军人协会 Chapter at Carson-Newman University is to provide support, resources, 以及对退伍军人的支持, 服务人员, and eligible dependents currently enrolled as students of Carson-Newman University to ensure their success in higher education. 更多信息请联系组织顾问Pat Bivens. 办公室:865-471-4089邮箱:


隐藏的对手 strives to spread awareness and break the stigma of mental health among student-athletes.

多元化的小团体, 该村旨在通过敬拜方式促进多样性, 事件结构, 并且严格以学生为乐. 创始人,吉娜·斯科特和T.J. Bryant, 努力将非裔美国人文化带入校园, 同时也希望能告知同学们, faculty, 以及校园里所代表的文化多样性社区. 不仅仅是一小群人, 该村渴望创建促进少数民族意识的合作活动, 在社区做义工, 营造一种真诚的氛围,让所有学生都能轻松地加入和分享.



YAFE致力于启发和教育C-N社区有关多元文化特征的问题,使我们每个人都与众不同. YAFE还寻求促进一种尊重的发展, all-inclusive campus culture where we understand that life is not so much about “what” we are but it’s about “who” we are.

Providing a framework to promote the general principles of 争取自由的美国青年 which were adopted in Sharon, 9月11日康涅狄格州, 1960, 这个组织的C-N分会举办教育活动,提供保守的领导,并实现沙龙声明中概述的目标, as well as assisting students in their efforts to understand and promote conservatism on campus and in the surrounding community.

《全球网赌十大网站》邀请孩子们跟随基督, 不管他们的反应如何,都要关心他们,并在此过程中改变他们的生活.

Young Women of Pormise supports and partners with C-N and its mission and vision through volunteer and philanthropic efforts.